Nigeria News
Suspected herdsmen kill eight in Benue community

Eight persons have been killed by gunmen in Yelawa town, Guma local government area of Benue state.

The attack was said to have occurred on Monday around 7: 30 pm.

Yelwata is a border community between Nassarwa and Benue States on the busy Makurdi- Lafia Federal highway road.

The inhabitants are predominantly Tiv farmers.

Senior Special Assistant (SSA) to Governor Samuel Ortom on Projects monitoring, Fagah Utoo, who is from the area, told The Nation a housewife who was cooking and her four children were killed during the attack.

Commander Operation Whirl Stroke (OPWS) Brigadier – General Clement Afere confirmed the incident.

He simply said: “it’s true” when contacted by the Nation.

Utoo said: “Last night, herdsmen invaded Yelewata, my village, a border town with Nasarawa Stat and killed his wife and his entire four children.

“The wife was preparing supper for the little kids who were playing around.

“The murdered woman experienced birth difficulties. She had two miscarriages before God finally blessed her womb and she was able to birth to four children, among whom was a set of twins.

“Unfortunately, last night, Tuesday, 24 August, 2021, armed herdsmen sneaked into her compound shortly after dusk, around 7:30 PM and shot and butchered her with the kids while the husband was still in the marketplace.”

culled from THE NATION