Law News
Senior Advocate Urges Other African Courts To Emulate Kenyan Supreme Court

A Senior Advocate of Nigeria SAN Sebastine Hon has commended the Kenya Supreme Court for exhibiting rare courage in nullifying the country’s last presidential election.

Hon said the decision by Kenya’s highest court was not only a celebration of the rule of law, but an indication that democratic tradition was gradually taking root in the continent.

He urged the Judiciary in other African countries to emulate the display of bravery on the part of the Kenya Judiciary.

Hon said: “Recent happenings on the political landscape of Africa, including the defeat of a sitting President – Goodluck Jonathan – and his voluntary concession of defeat – all point to the fact that there is a positive upswing in African political thinking.

“And with the pronouncement of the Kenyan Supreme Court, I think Africans are beginning to think out of the box now.

“The trend is most welcome and should spread like wild harmattan fire across Africa.

“Wake me up in the middle of the night; I will still be celebrating this victory for not just democracy, but also the rule of law, in Africa. It is an emerging trend that must be supported by all persons of good will,” Hon said.

 TML News