Law News
Man jailed two months for possession of stolen property

A Karmo Grade 1 Area Court, Abuja, on Wednesday sentenced a 24-year-old man, Jerry Isaac, to two months imprisonment for being in possession of stolen property.

Isaac of Jabi Motor Park, was convicted on a two-count charge of joint act and being in possession of stolen property.

The judge, Abubakar Sadiq, convicted Isaac as he admitted committing the offence and begged for leniency.

Sadiq, however, gave the convict an option to pay N10, 000 fine and warned him to be of good behaviour.

Earlier, the prosecutor, Dalhatu Zannah, had told the court that a crime prevention unit, led by one Insp. Abbah Gabriel, arrested and brought the convict to the Utako Police Station, Abuja on July 14.

Zannah said that on the same date at about 1.30 a.m., while the police team was raiding the black spot around Jabi Park, they caught the convict and two other now at large.

He said that they hid in a back spot, located inside Jabi Park, harass and collect money and other valuables from passengers who arrive late in the night at the park.

He also told the court that the convict was caught with one Tecno cell phone and other items suspected to have been stolen.

The prosecutor said that during police interrogation, the convict confessed to have stolen the cell phone from a passenger.
Zannah said the offence contravened Section 79 and 319 of the Penal Code.

Source: The Nation