Law News
Dickson presents N321bn 2015 budget estimate to Bayelsa Assembly

Governor Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State has presented the state’s 2015 budget estimate of N320,621,216.641 to the state House of Assembly for consideration.

Presenting the budget tagged Budget of Completion, Dickson explained that the amount comprised N175, 776, 828, 076 or 54 per cent for recurrent expenditure, while N144, 844, 388, 565 or 45.2 per cent represents capital expenditure.

He said that the 2015 budget was expected to be financed from a revenue projection of N231.317 billion and capital receipts of N89, 304, 216, 641.

Giving a sectoral breakdown of the 2015 fiscal budget, he noted that the sum of N65. 935 billion was allocated to the works and infrastructure sub sector, while N20. 960 billion was earmarked for education.

Dickson, who assured that ongoing projects in the health sector would be completed, particularly the five new referral hospitals under construction, Melford Okilo Memorial Hospital, rehabilitation work on over 30 health centres in the state and allotted N7,151,258,665 to the sector.

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