Law News
Court dismisses suit seeking Goodie Ibru’s trial

A Federal High Court in Lagos on Monday struck out a suit seeking an order of mandamus to compel the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission to prosecute the former chairman of Ikeja Hotels Plc, Mr. Goodie Ibru.

The suit, which was struck out by Justice Ibrahim Buba for want of diligent prosecution, was filed by a group known as the Civil Society Network Against Corruption.

The group had, in the suit, claimed that despite its request for the prosecution of Ibru and a director with IHL Services Limited, Mr. Sunday Akinsanya, the EFCC had failed to prosecute them.

It was seeking a court order mandating the EFCC to furnish the group with the report of the investigation conducted into allegations of impersonation, fraud, obtaining money by false pretence and stealing pressed against Ibru and Akinsanya by the plaintiff.

Justice Buba however struck the suit out on Monday owing to the absence of both the group and the EFCC or their counsel in court.

When the matter was called for hearing on Monday, neither the applicant nor the EFCC was represented in court by any counsel. Rather, it was another group, which identified itself as ‘Incorporated Trustees of Civil Society Network Against Corruption’ that appeared in court.

The new group had brought an application seeking to be joined as a party in the suit.

The new group, Incorporated Trustees of Civil Society Network Against, claimed that it was being impersonated by the applicant, Civil Society Network Against Corruption, and sought to protect its corporate image.

It said the applicant did not have its consent or authority to institute the action, adding that it was the person legally registered with the name under which the plaintiff had filed the suit.

Justice Buba expressed displeasure over the non-representation of the original parties in court and struck the suit out for lack of diligent prosecution.

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